Family Talks: Commemorating the 85th anniversary of the Kindertransports

Family Talks: Commemorating the 85th anniversary of the Kindertransports

Montag, 3. Juni 2024, 19:00 Uhr


When the British Government granted Jewish children from Germany and Austria entry to the UK following the Novemberpogrom in 1938, the head of Cologne’s Jewish grammar school Jawne, Dr. Erich Klibansky, started to organise Kindertransports for his students. Among the roundabout 130 students who were saved by the courageous commitment of their headmaster was Kurt Marx who will talk about his personal experience of the Kindertransport.
He will be joined by members of his family and other descendants of Kinder from the 2nd/3rd generation to talk about their family history and the commemoration of the Kindertransports.
Please register for the event by sending an e-mail to
Photograph: Kurt Marx with fellow students from the hostel in 1 Minster Road, London on an outing to Hampton Court © NS-Dokumentationszentrum der Stadt Köln

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