No Joke? Satirical Infotainment and Power

No Joke? Satirical Infotainment and Power

Donnerstag, 27. Juni 2024, 19:00 Uhr bis , 20:30 Uhr
MARKK, Rothenbaumchaussee 64, 20148 Hamburg

The lines between entertainment, satire, and news have blurred: former satirists like Beppo Grillo, Martin Sonneborn, and Volodymyr Selenskyj are now holding significant political positions. Some, like Jan Böhmermann (ZDF), switch between satire and journalism. It’s not uncommon for politics to take on absurd qualities. The Frankfurt research project NoJoke, led by Raúl Acosta Garcia and Moritz Post, explores how humor shapes our understanding of politics. The project, launched in 2023, incorporates humorous methods into its scientific approach.

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