Leaving Spirit

Leaving Spirit

Freitag, 27. September 2024, 20:00 Uhr
Rockcafè Ringkeller
Dr.-Friedrichs-Ring 21a, 08056 Zwickau

Leaving Spirit

Vintage Bluesrock, keeping up the spirit of old school handmade rockmusic aus Würzburg

Leaving Spirit embodies handmade rock music rooted in blues, rock, and country. A standout feature is the distinctive voice of singer Paula Frecot, bringing a refreshing diversity to the otherwise male-dominated genre. The band released their debut album "Things Change" in 2019. Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the band ventured on a small Germany tour in the fall of 2020, making stops in Hamburg, Berlin, Hannover, and Leipzig. In spring 2021, they released new songs, including the l (...)   Mehr zu Leaving Spirit auf Backstage PRO ›

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