Kakao Ritual & Music Journey

Sonntag, 24. November 2024, 16:30 Uhr
Silva Yoga
Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 89, 42103 Wuppertal

Andrea Galluccio Music

Seductive, Dangerous, Exciting, Unpredictable, Stunning, Playful aus Wuppertal

Meet Andrea Galluccio, a soul who began his lifelong romance with music at an early age. He delved deeply into the world of piano and classical music, but soon found his true love in the electric guitar, captivated by its sensual form and vast sonic potential. At 19, he journeyed to London with a heart full of dreams, never truly returning to his beloved homeland of Italy. Though life brought its share of challenges, he pressed on, his path weaving through the rhythms of London, New York, (...)   Mehr zu Andrea Galluccio Music auf Backstage PRO ›

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