Dirty Sound Magnet

Dirty Sound Magnet, Düsseldorf

Donnerstag, 23. Mai 2024, 19:00 Uhr
Oberbilker Allee 29, 40215 Düsseldorf

The band’s DNA can be traced back to the ancestral ‘Golden Age of Rock’ (60s, 70s), but instead of copying past heroes, Dirty Sound Magnet worked hard on breaking new ground. The band’s approach has often been compared to Led Zeppelin for their groove, energy and instrumental virtuosity, to a more violent version of Pink Floyd and to the mysticism of The Doors. With the addition of modern psych influences (Tame Impala, King Gizzard and the Lizzard Wizard, …) and sarcastic lyrics grounded in today’s social turmoil, the DSM magic formula is complete.

Live, the band is known for its kinetic performances and strong stage presence. DSM’s dynamic range goes from all out power to moments of silence build into the music. The years of experience have taught the band to deliver solid shows night after night while leaving room for the unexpected to happen. Every show is a unique experience for the band and the crowd…

Location: Pitcher

Im Pitcher trifft sich, wer an einer Mainstream Kneipe nicht interessiert ist. Musiker, Szenegänger und Freunde schnörkelloser Unterhaltung und geradliniger Sounds finden sich in entspannter Atmosphäre wieder, um zu Darten, zu Kickern, zu Flippern, Billard zu spielen oder zu feiern, was das Zeug hält. Am Wochenende sorgen DJs in unterschi (...) Weitere Infos ›
