Chris Kläfford - The Long Way Tour

Chris Kläfford - The Long Way Tour, Hamburg

Freitag, 14. März 2025, 20:00 Uhr
Kent Club
Stresemannstr. 163, 22769 Hamburg

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Chris Kläfford Germany 2025

In 2023 when Chris announced his Kitchen Session tour he was met with overwhelming love and support from the german people. With multiple sold out venues 2024 Chris decided he has to come back. This time he’s going big and is bringing his whole band with him. By now you are probably familiar with seeing Chris alone on stage, with nothing but his guitar and his raw emotional voice. This tour is kicking it up a couple of notches. Prepare to see a side of Chris you haven’t seen before and prepare to be blown of your seat in 2025, when he’s back with the ‘Long Way Tour’.

Location: Kent Club

Seit Gründung im Jahre 2002 steht der Stage Club vor allem für Live-Music. Begrüßt wurden schon Künstler wie A Fine Frenzy, Adele, Colbie Caillat, Daniel Powder, Maria Mena, Michael Buble, Nigel Kennedy, Zascha Moktan uvm. Aber auch die Fraktion „Party-People“ kommt bei uns voll auf Ihre Kosten. Am Wochenende werden die Clubsessel aus den Hal (...) Weitere Infos ›
