
The Golden Ground Alliance

Alternative/Independent aus Wiesbaden, seit 2007


The Golden Ground Alliance first met in the autumn of 2007 and from the very beginning there were a lot of ideas to work with which meant that we could start producing good material. However, due to some troubles The Golden Ground Alliance got kicked out of their studio and ended up breaking up with their drummer. There were concerns that after losing the studio the band would have to split up but fortunately a new place to work became available. The Mill - what a beautiful place to be! After getting familiar with the new environment and performing some acoustic-sessions a new drummer came along. The work on the existing material went on and we also came up with some great new ideas...

Please keep in mind:
The songs on this page are just rough takes out of the composing period.

At the mo (...) Mehr anzeigenment The Golden Ground Alliance prepares for their first live-shows in the summer and autumn of 2009. Plans for recording their first EP have been made for early 2010 and will then be released in the summer of 2010.

It finally seems like some good people, met at the right time and are ready to make their mark! Weniger anzeigen


Oliver Best



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