
Cosmic Fall

Psychedelic stoner / heavy jam space rock aus Berlin, seit 2016


Label: Clostridiumrecords   Management/Booking: Daniel Sax


Cosmic Fall was founded in June 2016 in Berlin by Daniel (Drums) and Klaus (Bass). After a search for a guitarist they start rehearsing with Mathias. The sound is assigned to Psychedelic Stoner Rock, but has also lots of classic rock and blues influences. The solo filled jam parts are typical and exciting and may remind you of “Colour Haze” or “Earthless”, but still have their very own charm. Many Guitar soli in the long songs fit in perfectly and are characteristic for the sound.
After only two months, the first album “First Fall” was recorded. It is completely self-produced and was released on 2016-08-17 on Bandcamp. The whole artwork was also created from the band. Many downloads and vinyl requests first led to the cd release on 2016-10-01. Clostridiumrecords released “First Fall” on 20 (...) Mehr anzeigen17-01-20 on vinyl in three different versions.
On 2017-03-18 the second album “Kick Out The Jams” was released digitally and on CD via Bandcamp, which was sold out after one week. It is an album full of jams and is also self-produced. The vinyl followed on November 1st 2017 on a colored double LP via Clostridiumrecords.
In the same year, on 2017-07-27 a splitalbum was released, together with the band Aphodyl. "Starsplit" was released on CD and vinyl. The CD was released via Clostridiumrecords and vinyl via PsyKa Records.
At the beginning of August, Cosmic Fall welcomes their new guitar player Martin. The third album is scheduled for March 30, 2018. Weniger anzeigen


Daniel Sax



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